It's time for work and Mr. Johnson is getting ready. His wife is still asleep but he didn't want to leave without telling her goodbye. He takes the covers off of her head … he's jumps back against the wall out of breath and grabs the umbrella next to him. He points it at his wife saying, “Who are? Why are you in my bed? Where is my Wife?”. Mrs. Johnson wakes up startled, “sweetheart what are you talking about?”, Mrs. Johnson says. Mr. Johnson find her voice familiar and stares at her for a moment to figure out who she was. “What happened to your face? Did you get plastic surgery without telling me?”, Mr. Johnson exclaimed. Ms. Johnson looks confused, “I'm fine, I didn't get plastic surgery. I just didn't put enough makeup on. I forgot to put on my lip gloss. Why?” Mr. Johnson stare silently in awe, and a few minutes later he walks quickly out of the house. Was his wife's face that different?

Concealer round around the eyes, creamy foundation stick to the face, then another layer of powder foundation, wild eyeshadow cover the top layer of the eyelid and an option of eyeliner,mascara clumping on the eyelashes, blush brushed onto each cheek making it look like two tomato's, and last but not least the maple syrup lip-gloss. Every morning women wake up and put on several layers of makeup. Obviously to hide their flaws, and to put on the face of “beauty”. Apparently 3 layers of foundation isn't enough to cover the face, nor is 10 boxes of eyeshadow is enough to be applied every morning.

There is always a limit to something and women don't think there is for makeup. The amount of makeup women put on, makes their face like a broken magnet that repels instead of attracts. The majority of men are not attracted to women who put on so much makeup. “It looks as if a cosmetics avalanche has happened when I look at my wife's face and some woman’s face. ” said Mr. Johnson. Now some men even question themselves, “why did I marry her?” or “Why is she still my girlfriend?” or “I just saw a poster of a up coming circus show, and the makeup the clown on the poster was wearing is the same type of makeup my wife wears. Is that her?”.

The really funny part of makeup is that billions, yes billions of dollars are wasted on the skin damaging, overly priced, small amount of makeup. Billions of dollars wasted to make women look like circus freaks everyday. That's just fabulous! It's better than donating it to charity or help the people who don't have food or water.

I know women have a fully functioning brain, but it tends to turn off when the topic of makeup comes along. Now women these days carry 3 mirror in their purses, just in case the mirror breaks when they look into it. Also maybe some new electronics, like a phone, camera, and a laptop. When electronics have to save picture of them, they tend to have a seizure. For this to not happen, women need to take off not a little, I'm not talking about just the first layer of mascara, I mean 80% of it. Day by day, women's creativity are getting scarier, using makeup to make up their faces, and Ms. Johnson should soon realize this. Hopefully, Mr. Johnson comes back home, he's been missing for 3 weeks.


The reason I chose this topic because it a very common topic. The majority of women are always using makeup. In my opinion I don't necessarily dislike makeup however, I do not approve to much makeup. I myself wear very light makeup. I believe makeup is to enhance your beauty not to give a completely new face. My satirical argument I'm making is that women now use to much makeup, to the point that they look like a clown with bad plastic surgery. I chose this topic because every morning when I walk into the girls restroom, there are several girls put on more makeup than necessary and I feel like their wasting their time; I think they look much prettier without the makeup. I used hyperbole, euphemism, and pun in my satirical news article. I used these humor devices to make a point, and the point is that women wear to much makeup and it causes further problems now and later in life for women.


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