Cherry Blossom
Misplaced into the wrong meadow it felt
surrounded by a sea of Cherokee Roses
The wind was silent and the snow around me started to melt
Watching closely, so I could solve the mazes

They shivered in a way I didn't understand
like a continuous patterns of circular dots
Patience was needed, but I learned fast, I could keep my stand

Adjusting to the meadow took time, but after that I did not feel hallow
Even if being the Cherry Blossom, I'm part of this meadow
8/25/2010 12:29:04 pm

Nice! I like how you use consonance with mazes, roses, hollow and meadow; it adds a unique rhythm to the poem. Perhaps this could be a sonnet. Have you considered extending it?

Ms. Miller
8/25/2010 12:30:05 pm

Uh-oh, it looks like you haven't done the "approve comments" settings that I required. Fix asap. Thanks.


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